August 2024

CafeDEnglish is a members only event ( members of whatsapp, linkedin or facebook groups get the zoom link ).- facebook cafedenglish / whatsapp here / LinkedIn The Learning Street 

 It runs on Saturdays from 14:15 to 15:00 Vienna time. Locally that is:- 

14:15 Vienna, 12:15 Sierra Leone, 12:15 Liberia, 15:15 Kenya & Uganda, 20:15 Singapore 13:15 London . 

August 3rd breakout room hosts - work in progress

English - Doulat TailorsWala

German - Gabriele Presslinger-Bukovica , 

French - 

August Breakout Room Hosts for CafeDEnglish events -  3,10,17,24,31 August 


Doulat TailorsWala - Gabriele Presslinger-Bukovica -  

background - July 27th posting - printed below 

On July 6th we extended an offer to Teachers of English to showcase themselves at the cafedenglish event through hosting a breakout room where people can come and chat to them. ( based in GOTA Cafe Vienna ) 

On 13th we extended this to include a soft launch of CafeFRenglish with some hosts of breakout rooms in French ( based at perhaps ? ) 

On 20th we had fun in the Pizzeria Mam Mia with French English and German breakout rooms

On 27th we plan to have fun in the woods at Arboretum Villa Kraus again with French English and German breakout rooms- this time with ten rooms of each language - the hosts being seen below

from earlier event on 6th here :-

We intend 4 breakout rooms to start, numbered 6 to 9, which would be set up as the call opens and then host can move there and guests can join at will and move to other rooms as well. For example ( to be confirmed ) Timing planned as 14:30 to 14:50 Vienna time. 


7 Saviz 

Valerie ( Learn with Grandma Founder - speaking on her 83rd birthday also, 4th July )


Main room facilitators - Denis Nigel 

Facilitators will hold the space in the main room and also have a chat there 

offering collaborations ( invitations ) to Teacher groups such as 

Teachers of English in Austria ( on pause ) 

MELTA - Munich 

Malaysia - MELTA


British Council 



Windle Trust International 

Local Supporters and access in Social Learning Spaces includes :-

Peace for Development Refugees Initiatives  

Note :

This is.a membership only event, for the gated communities of The Learning Street - further information available in a. the facebook group cafedenglish where you can register for the events on 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th  July also in b. the LinkedIn Group and c. the whatsapp group. The zoom link will appear in those groups, no more individual mailings of it. As we used to say in First Tuesday Vienna, be there, or miss out. A reminder of the dates and times, - 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th July at 14:15 Vienna, 12:15 Sierra Leone, 15:15 Kenya & Uganda, 20:15 Singapore 13:15 London. 


3.7 - Events have led us to a soft launch of CafeFRenglish that has been in plan since the beginning. We discovered the French speaking audience to be some 220 million people, many of whom have learned English also. It mabe possible for these people to offer remote support to students of French in the UK. CafeSPanglish is in plan, where there are some 660 million speakers and many wishing to learn or polish up their language skills. With French in mind we ar inviting Lich, Pascal, Gervin,  and Alexis to each host a breakout room on 13th July to speak of their projects in French.

1.7 added, as we so often find, one thing leads to another. Having set this up, it now seems to make sense to work towards 4 other guests each week on themes such as Happiness ( Genny, Edwin ), Art ( Mabel, Elvis ) Sport ( Lich, Rita ), Project Leaders seeking investment ( Ro, Patrick )  in the future. Now beyond that, some guest speakers as room hosts, for example from the pool of Goal Mapping trainers created by Brian Mayne. as the first thought  

also CafeDEnglish group on Whatsapp invitation


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