Breakout with Teachers of English

CafeDEnglish is a members only event ( members of whatsapp, linkedin or facebook groups get the zoom link ). It runs on Saturdays from 14:15 to 15:00 Vienna time. facebook cafedenglish / whatsapp here / LinkedIn The Learning Street 14:15 Vienna, 12:15 Sierra Leone, 15:15 Kenya & Uganda, 20:15 Singapore 13:15 London. July 6th we are extending an offer to Teachers of English to showcase themselves at the cafedenglish event through hosting a breakout room where people can come and chat to them We intend 4 breakout rooms to start, numbered 6 to 9, which would be set up as the call opens and then host can move there and guests can join at will and move to other rooms as well. For example ( to be confirmed ) Timing planned as 14:30 to 14:50 Vienna time. 6 Franziska 7 Saviz 8 Valerie ( Learn with Grandma Founder - speaking on her 83rd birthday also, 4th July ) 9 Mark Main room facilitators - Denis Nige...